Friday, January 23, 2015

6 Things Almost Every Mother Thinks At Some Point In Motherhood

It's something that every mother learns as they go. Each child is different and requires different methods of mothering.
No matter how many books you read to prepare your self, there is always something getting ready to come out of no where to test your sanity!
There are moments of fear, joy, happiness, sadness and basically any other emotion you can fathom.
But one thing is for sure, it is worth every single joyous moment.
And in the chaos of it all you can trust and believe that somewhere out there, SOMEWHERE is another mother out there thinking exactly what your thinking at the precise moment that you are thinking it!
That being said, here are:
 "6 Things Almost Every Mother Thinks At Some Point In Motherhood"

1 - "Am I Failing As A Mother?"
This one usually decides to present itself when WE are feeling overwhelmed & has absolutely nothing to do with how well we take care of our babies. It's that moment when you start to question every single thing you do & you wonder if you are being a good enough mother to the kids even when EVERYTHING that you do is for the betterment of them. You can relax in knowing that we all feel this at some point and 99.9%  of the time you're questioning yourself only because you're overworked, too scheduled or you just need some quality alone time with yourself , your kids or your spouse . In fact The next time you ask yourself this question take a breath, a BREAK & recharge and refocus...... You are MOM. . . . YOU GOT THIS!
2 - "Why Do They Do These Things!"
I still find myself asking this question though mostly when my children were a little younger. Like when I caught my son taking off his diaper and literally PAINTING with his poo. Or that one time I caught my Daughter just dumping every SINGLE bottle in the bathtub out in the water so that ALL the bottles were empty and most of them were just purchased. I could make a book with all those moments this thought was thunk! In My best Peach Tree Commercial Voice....... "They're Little People, It's What They Do"
3 - "Please Don't Wake Up, Please Don't Wake Up!
ALL Mothers have been here. Whether they are just born and you just want two minutes to pee, maybe brush your hair or eat. You tiptoe to your destination as quiet as a mouse and then BAM! They are no longer in mommy's arms so the world has just GOT TO BE ENDING! Of course this one is also true when your older ones who don't normally nap, randomly fall asleep and you just want to stand there and stare at them and take in the beauty of the little people you created! A word of advice? ..... UTILIZE THIS VERY RARE OCCURENCE! Go run yourself a bubble bath QUIETLY and take 5 minutes to yourself, or read a book or something else that you enjoy doing. The way you feel after is so refreshing! Complete mood changer!
4 - "How Did I Get So Lucky"
This is a personal favorite for me to be honest. Like when I am going through my daughters backpack and find a drawing or a note somewhere along the lines of "Me & Mommy. . . Mommy is a princess" My heart literally wants to melt into a huge pile because I just struck motherhood GOLD! Or like that one day when my son couldn't fix his little Lego helicopter and I was stuck with the task, so when I FINALLY got it back together with it's million little tiny pieces he just says "Mom, you never, ever give up. How cool!" I live for these moments. While they may be rare, when they do come around they make everything you have done up until that point and everything you will do after worth all of the work, time and effort you have put into raising them!
5 - "Oh My God She/he Is Just Like Me"
This one, more often than not, SCARES THE HOLY CRAP OUT OF ME! I'm not going to sugar coat it, I KNOW that I was a bit of a wild child & a rebel. & In the moments when either of my children do something so completely random, stupid and just plain UNNECESSARY I verbally state this thought! Then there are the moments when my daughters personality is SHINING when she gets of the bus in the afternoon and we laugh together for an hour because she is being a complete and total clown . . . .  .Yeah. . . . I would NEVER EVER want to but I can't deny those babies of mine!
6 - "Oh My Gosh, Oh My Gosh, What's The Number For Poison Control/Nurse Hotline?"
I look back on this question now that my kids are older as I haven't had to do this in quite some time. However the memories from these particular moments are some that I will never, ever forget!
Let's be honest, no matter HOW WELL you watch your children something is going to happen at some point in their life that you will need to call one of these numbers for advice on what to do exactly at this moment to keep your child safe. Maybe they decided they wanted to eat Chapstick or deodorant and no matter how great you are at telling yourself you used to eat  stuff too and are still alive, if the label says "in case of ingestion" you're more than likely going to call the number and explain the situation, cry because you feel like "You have failed as a mother" then follow the advice and be embarrassed that you had to call in the first place. Then you are going to ask "Why do they do these things?" & you're probably going to realize again that "Oh My God They Are Just Like Me!"
It's funny how that works isn't it?
So, here's to you Mothers of the world. Pat your self on the back because you truly have one of the hardest jobs in the world. Though it is truly one of the most rewarding ones any woman could ever experience in her life!
All Our Thanks,
The Mommy Life <3

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